Shift right arithmetic immediate word
This instruction is defined by:
I, version >= 0
This instruction is included in the following profiles:
MockProfile 64-bit S-mode (Mandatory)
MockProfile 64-bit Unpriv (Mandatory)
RVA20S64 (Mandatory)
RVA20U64 (Mandatory)
RVA22S64 (Mandatory)
RVA22U64 (Mandatory)
RVA23S64 (Mandatory)
RVA23U64 (Mandatory)
RVB23S64 (Mandatory)
RVB23U64 (Mandatory)
RVI20U32 (Mandatory)
RVI20U64 (Mandatory)
This instruction must have data-independent timing when extension Zkt is enabled. |
Arithmetic shift (the original sign bit is copied into the vacated upper bits) the 32-bit value in rs1 right by shamt, and store the sign-extended result in rd.
Decode Variables
Bits<5> shamt = $encoding[24:20];
Bits<5> rs1 = $encoding[19:15];
Bits<5> rd = $encoding[11:7];