Zvkt Extension
- 1.0.0
- State
- Ratification date
== Synopsis
The Zvkt extension requires all implemented instructions from the following list to be executed with data-independent execution latency.
Data-independent execution latency (DIEL) applies to all data operands of an instruction, even those that are not a part of the body or that are inactive. However, DIEL does not apply to other values such as vl, vtype, and the mask (when used to control execution of a masked vector instruction). Also, DIEL does not apply to constant values specified in the instruction encoding such as the use of the zero register (x0), and, in the case of immediate forms of an instruction, the values in the immediate fields (i.e., imm, and uimm).
In some cases --- which are explicitly specified in the lists below --- operands that are used as control rather than data are exempt from DIEL.