Implemented Extensions
The following are implemented by the generic_rv64 configuration:
A Atomic instructions
B Bitmanipulation instructions
C Compressed instructions
D Double-precision floating-point
F Single-precision floating-point
F Single-precision floating-point
H Hypervisor
I Base integer ISA (RV32I or RV64I)
M Integer multiply and divide instructions
S Supervisor mode
Sm Machine mode
Smaia Advanced Interrupt Architecture, M-mode extension
Smcdeleg Performance counter delegation
Smcntrpmf Cycle and Instret Privilege Mode Filtering
Smhpm M-mode programmable hardware performance counters
Smpmp Physical Memory Protection
Ssaia Advanced Interrupt Architecture, S-mode extension
Ssccfg Supervisor-mode counter configuration
Sscofpmf Counter Overflow and Privilege Mode Filtering
Sstc Supervisor-mode timer interrupts
Sv39 39-bit virtual address translation (3 level)
Sv48 48-bit virtual address translation (4 level)
U User-mode privilege level
V Variable-length vector
Zaamo Load-acquire/Store-release atomic instructions
Zalrsc Atomic read-modify-write instructions
Zba Address generation instructions
Zbb Basic bit manipulation
Zbs Single-bit instructions
Zicbom Cache block management instructions
Zicboz Cache block zero instruction
Zicntr Architectural performance counters
Zicsr Control and status registers
Zihpm Programmable hardware performance counters