U Extension
- Implemented Version
User-mode privilege level is supported by an implementation if the U extension is present. Note that the RISC-V ISA doesn’t formally define a U extension and it is only discussed in the Privileged ISA manual.
This extension has the following implementation options:
Whether or not an ECALL-from-U-mode causes a synchronous exception.
The spec states that implementations may handle ECALLs transparently without raising a trap, in which case the EEI must provide a builtin.
Set of XLENs supported in U-mode. Can be one of:
32: SXLEN is always 32
64: SXLEN is always 64
3264: SXLEN can be changed (via mstatus.UXL) between 32 and 64
Endianness of data in U-mode. Can be one of:
little: U-mode data is always little endian
big: U-mode data is always big endian
dynamic: U-mode data can be either little or big endian, depending on the CSR field mstatus.UBE