Cache Block Zero
This instruction is defined by:
Zeros an entire cache block
The block zeroing does not need to be atomic.
cbo.zero is ordered by FENCE
instructions but not FENCE.I
<%- if CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE.bit_length > [PMP_GRANULARITY, PMA_GRANULARITY].min -%> Both PMP and PMA access control must be the same for all bytes in the block; otherwise, cbo.zero has UNSPECIFIED behavior. <%- end -%>
Clean operations are treated as stores for page and access permissions. If permission checks fail, one of the following exceptions will occur:
<%- if ext?(:H) -%> * `Store/AMO Guest-Page Fault` if virtual memory translation fails during G-stage translation. <%- end -%> * `Store/AMO Page Fault` if virtual memory translation fails <% if ext?(:H) %>when V=0 or during VS-stage translation<% end %> * `Store/AMO Access Fault` if a PMP or PMA access check fails.
<%- if CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE.bit_length ⇐ [PMP_GRANULARITY, PMA_GRANULARITY].min -%> Because cache blocks are naturally aligned and always fit in a single PMP or PMA regions, the PMP and PMA access checks only need to check a single address in the line. <%- end -%>
CBO operations never raise a misaligned address fault.
M |
HS |
U |
VS |
VU |
Always |
Sometimes |
Sometimes |
Sometimes |
Sometimes |
Access is controlled through menvcfg.CBZE, senvcfg.CBZE, and henvcfg.CBZE.
When access is denied, the instruction either raises an Illegal Instruction
or Virtual Instruction
exception according to the table below.
cbo.zero Instruction Behavior |
S-mode |
U-mode |
VS-mode |
VU-mode |
0 |
- |
- |
1 |
0 |
0 |
executes |
1 |
1 |
0 |
executes |
executes |
1 |
0 |
1 |
executes |
executes |
1 |
1 |
1 |
executes |
executes |
executes |
executes |
Pruned, XLEN == 64
if ((mode() == PrivilegeMode::M && CSR[menvcfg].CBZE == 0) || (mode() == PrivilegeMode::U && CSR[senvcfg].CBZE == 0)) {
raise(ExceptionCode::IllegalInstruction, mode(), $encoding);
} else if ((mode() == PrivilegeMode::VS && CSR[henvcfg].CBZE == 0) || (mode() == PrivilegeMode::VU && (CSR[henvcfg].CBZE | CSR[senvcfg].CBZE) == 0)) {
raise(ExceptionCode::VirtualInstruction, mode(), $encoding);
} else {
XReg mask = 63;
XReg cache_block_vaddr = X[rs1] & ~mask;
TranslationResult result;
result = translate(cache_block_vaddr, MemoryOperation::Write, effective_ldst_mode(), $encoding);
access_check(result.paddr, 512, cache_block_vaddr, MemoryOperation::Write, ExceptionCode::StoreAmoAccessFault, effective_ldst_mode());
if ((mode() == PrivilegeMode::M && CSR[menvcfg].CBZE == 0) || (mode() == PrivilegeMode::U && CSR[senvcfg].CBZE == 0)) {
raise(ExceptionCode::IllegalInstruction, mode(), $encoding);
} else if ((mode() == PrivilegeMode::VS && CSR[henvcfg].CBZE == 0) || (mode() == PrivilegeMode::VU && (CSR[henvcfg].CBZE | CSR[senvcfg].CBZE) == 0)) {
raise(ExceptionCode::VirtualInstruction, mode(), $encoding);
} else {
XReg mask = CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
XReg cache_block_vaddr = X[rs1] & ~mask;
TranslationResult result;
result = translate(cache_block_vaddr, MemoryOperation::Write, effective_ldst_mode(), $encoding);
access_check(result.paddr, CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE * 8, cache_block_vaddr, MemoryOperation::Write, ExceptionCode::StoreAmoAccessFault, effective_ldst_mode());