Machine Exception Program Counter
Written with the PC of an instruction on an exception or interrupt taken in M-mode.
Also controls where the hart jumps on an exception return from M-mode.
- Location
- Description
When a NMI / double trap is taken into M-mode, mnepc.PC is written with the virtual address of the instruction that was interrupted or that encountered the exception. Otherwise, mnepc.PC is never written by the implementation, though it may be explicitly written by software.
On an exception return from M-mode NMI / double trap (from the MNRET instruction), control transfers to the virtual address read out of mnepc.PC.
Because PCs are always halfword-aligned, bit 0 of mnepc.PC is always read-only 0.
Because PCs are always word-aligned, bits 1:0 of mnepc.PC are always read-only 0.
- Type
Read-Write Restricted with Hardware update Field is writeable by software. Only certain values are legal. Writing an illegal value into the field is ignored, such that the field retains its prior state. Hardware also updates the field without an explicit software write.) |
- Reset value
- Software write
This field has special behavior when written by software (e.g., through csrrw).
When software tries to write
, the field will be written with the return value of the function below.return csr_value.PC & ~64'b1;
Software read
This CSR may return a value that is different from what is stored in hardware.
return CSR[mnepc].PC & ~64'b1;
if (implemented?(ExtensionName::C) && CSR[misa].C == 1'b1) {
return CSR[mnepc].PC & ~64'b1;
} else {
return CSR[mnepc].PC & ~64'b11;