Module: Idl::Returns


interface for nodes that might return a value in a function body

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#return_value(symtab) ⇒ Integer, ...

Evaluate the compile-time return value of this node, or, if the node does not return (e.g., because it is an IfAst but there is no return on the taken path), execute the node and update the symtab


  • symtab (SymbolTable)

    The symbol table for the context


  • (Integer)

    The return value, if it is integral

  • (Boolean)

    The return value, if it is boolean

  • (nil)

    if the return value is not compile-time-known


  • ValueError if, during evaluation, a node without a compile-time value is found

# File 'lib/idl/ast.rb', line 446

def return_value(symtab) = raise NotImplementedError, "#{} must implement return_value"

#return_values(symtab) ⇒ Array<Integer>, Array<Boolean>

Evaluate all possible compile-time return values of this node, or, if the node does not return (e.g., because it is an IfAst but there is no return on a possible path), execute the node and update the symtab


  • symtab (SymbolTable)

    The symbol table for the context


  • (Array<Integer>)

    The possible return values. Will be an empty array if there are no return values

  • (Array<Boolean>)

    The possible return values. Will be an empty array if there are no return values


  • ValueError if, during evaluation, a node without a compile-time value is found

# File 'lib/idl/ast.rb', line 459

def return_values(symtab) = raise NotImplementedError, "#{} must implement return_values"